Sunday, April 23, 2006

Photo 1 If you have had frybread at Maplelag, chance are they came from one of the baskets Roberto's family made. Jonell made a deal today and picked up 15 more. Good price. Almost free.
Photo 2 Pescado on a stick. I have bought many food items off the beach, empanadas my favorite, but not fish. Tacos from the taco stand I will do but haven't done the fish yet.
Photo 3 The palpana fliers. Traditional ceremony where they descend from the top of this tall pole upside down while a person on top plays the flute. The whole process is incredible.
Photo 4. The honeymooners. No kids along so everyone (the timeshare hecklers anyways) thinks we on honeymoon. Always can count on a beautiful sunset in PV. Hair cut on Tuesday!

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1 comment:

Eric O. said...

I'll say a hair cut.Looks like you just came off a stranded island.Where's Wilson?