Wednesday, January 10, 2007

One of the foreign students working at Maplelag this year from Brazil is doing a nice job keeping the sauna up to temp. I went in the night he had it over 200 (very nice) after a little hockey with the Benson family from West Hawk Lake, MB Can. Wallace and Becky here this past weekend as well so a fun weekend. This weather is getting stressing though. Only 40 miles on the new VK pro and only about one hour on the new 9 footer. Now we go into the deep freeze. Yikes.

I had to run to Mahnomen the other day for some sled stuff for the Bearcat and walked into the heart attack c-store. Yikes. Jens had 4 year pics. Now that was some good laughs. Shannon and Bruce are very laid back and they just laughed. Juke out jibbing. Some pics

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