Lots of swim time lately with the hot temps. Jake working on lake jumping.
Talked Jack into giving it a go. He needs to get more speed. At least he tried it, Jon and Jens passed.
Few people asking about the Resort Ride. Earlier in July I was thinking possibly this weekend but my sister and her four boys are coming to spend some time at the lake cabin and every other weekend looks tight from here on out. We probably could of done it the VT weekend but we were in VT. Weekend after Powder Monkey but thats close to the Loppet weekend and Pre-Fat is going on. Speaking of events, talked to a few folks at VT about UCI race next year. Although we were recommended to have the race again, I am going to pass on next year. May 08 is jammed as it is right now and it was a lot to ask my family and our staff to work on Mothers Day weekend when normally that is a "off" weekend for us. Now it looks like we will apply again in 09. Its possible Laddies Loppet could be a National Calendar race for 08 but again it might not. We'll see how things play out.
Anyway you could post the resort ride directions here or on a site like routeslip.com? Is it on public roads?
The plan this year was to do a point to point from Pinehurst in the WESF back to Pinehurst (the lake cabin)and have a little party afterwards.
Here is a link to the maps. http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/state_forests/sft00054/index.html Steve Wenzel did the gps of the ride last year and had it with google earth. I'll see if I can find that.
Thanks for the map link. I'll keep checking back in case you find the GPS.
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