Buffing on the track continues. Built up the second jump some more and things are coming around.
At 9:30am they weren't back so Jens and I went out with the truck and went to the top of Suicide. They weren't there so I figured they were on their way back and I just missed them. I came back on Sukkerbusk ski trail and they were just hanging out at the intersection goofing around. Fun stuff.
Whole family going to Powder Monkey. Even Jonell's parents are coming along to watch. Jon racing Kids Comp, Shea will be racing Citizen, Jake spinning Sport and Jack and Jens doing kids race. Oh, the old man with the granny gear racing Expert I guess. 17 years ago I raced the first race at Spirit Mountain. Names that come to mind that are still racing Lori Belz, Joe Surla (whose getting back into it this year) and Jeff Hall who was Jakes age. Todd Gremmels was the rd. He always used to say "sucking on schaeder valves" I stayed at his house and I remember Eric Ringrsud was staying there, who was one of the ringers at the time, mtb and road. He was totally decked out in black. He always ran 1.8 knobbies, every race. The downhill had this nasty gully washer that wasn't really marked. Sadly took out a few riders. Not much singletrack then. Just up and down the ski runs via access roads. Dew the Mountains.
Did you read Sara's blog about he changes in the curse this year? no more "puker". Sounds like a good alternative. The chance for rain looks light but I know if they do get rain it doesn't dry out too fast. Sam and I are going up tomarrow because it sounds like a washout all day here in the cities. We need the rain bad.
No, but just read it now though. Thanks for the heads up. Sounds cool. Hopefully the rain doesn't keep folks from the cities going north. Yeah, the last two storms have all been south. Just cool weather up here. See ya soon!
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