Wednesday, August 15, 2007

We decided to totally re do the dirt jump track. Last week I started moving some dirt around. Monday I finished the berms and then did some piles. Jake and his friend Shea worked about 12 hours the past few days, forming the jumps, watering them and packing them out. The dirt was so dry and dusty so lots of hose action to get things packed down. Will take a few more days to buff things out some more but the track has much better flow with 3 lines. After the third line it flows pretty good to the first berm so you can take the first two jumps and then transfer off the first jump to the second berm. Basically you can ride for a quite a while with some different options. Its tight, and takes a lot of sprinting to clear the jumps. Good training for sure and mixes things up.
Shea can ride a wheelie over everything really cool. Its been fun having him this week. Great kid. Sounds like he is from Calif.
Jake is definitely feeling better after Sunday.
We even talked my mom into riding over one of the jumps for the little kids. Now I can say "If my mom or Jake can say My grandma...."
No gap jumps. That way even the young ones like Jens can ride over most every thing but still some good height and lips for big air options for the older kids. I updated some links to the right. where I saw links from other sites. Frishy has always been a role model for me. I remember him when I first started racing and he is still racing at the World Cup level, scoring a 7th place in the spring and going into marathon a bit like a lot of guys my age now. He's got a family and I feel solid he has done it clean all along the way. I bought a Ritchey way back when because he was the Ritchey man back in the 90's. I wonder what Hank Djernis is doing now. Won a bunch of Worlds then done.

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