Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Well I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thankgiving. If you don't have any plans, come on over. We have plenty of room. Bring a bottle of wine or some canned veggies and join in on the fun of kids running all over the place. The table is set but we can add another table. Of course I will be making gravy so everyone can have a bowls worth. No one remembers that the past few years there has been enough to eat like soup, nope, they all remember the year we ran out which is just not acceptable on the big turkey day. 18 years of making sauces, gravies, demi-glazes I should have it figured out but you are only as good as your last batch.
Past two days spent scrubbing on North Loup. Frozen on top but loose to work the dirt makes for ideal conditions. So ready for snow. I've taken action on two of three items that pretty much guarantee to make it snow. Upon completion of these two items, if we still don't have snow, I will have to resort to item #3 . Cheers!

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