Thursday, October 02, 2014

Busy Boys

 Couldn't of asked for nicer weather last weekend to enjoy the beauty of fall. Jens had three friends over and the days were spent fishing, playing football, scavenging through the woods via bike and just being boys. A close call on making a trip to the ER after a digger on the dirt jump track which made the weekend a success not making that trip. I rather see kids out doing stuff instead of worrying about things that can get them hurt or sick. I think the over protection tends to more misfortune than protection.
 The past few Sunday's, Jack has had some cross country buddies come out and ride on the mtb course, introducing some new kids to the sport. Always good seeing new shredders.
 Filling up on the Sunday Smorg!!
 Trail work has been full on, sanitizing the ski trails digging and moving rocks and clearing leaves off the trail. The new mtb trail I've been working on is different than the usual stuff out here. It will be a fun mix of pumpy flowy stuff with some hand built tossed in. Should be fast, tight and a different type of technical. I was going to start on new trail over by Bullhead lake but instead utilizing the nice terrain over by Wavy Gravy.
 Bob was around a few days, digging out the bigger rocks and filling in some low areas. Bob hit 12,000 hours while he was here on his current "cat". When he got his new cat above, his first job was at Maplelag. A lot of the rocks around Maplelag have been moved by Bob.
 It's a good day if you don't get stuck like 8 years ago when Bob discovered the oyster stew wasn't sitting the best and had him off his game. Amazingly, the cat came through just fine after getting pulled out by a local logger that just so happened to be skidding out trees to the north.
 We got out for our first duck hunt of the year on Tuesday with Coop, Jon and I going out. The wind was ripping pretty good and blowing the wrong direction to head out to Island, our regular spot, so we took the duck boat out to Bullhead bay. Hard to have ducks decoy, it's more pass shooting. Saw some ducks, got some looks, a few buzzes but no shots. Still nice getting out.
I took post more to the east watching things. I don't think I would of taken a shot if the opportunity arose as it would of been pretty hard to find something.

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