Saturday, June 27, 2015

Back to the Blog

The blog has been on bit of a break. The end of school/spring activities wrapping up and a busy spring wedding season at Maplelag keeping things hopping. Hard to believe we are already one week away from the middle of the summer! Having looked back on posts in years past I realize I need to keep this going just for the sake its fun for the family to look back! 

 Last weekend Jonell and I took the Scamp out for the first time this year for a one night outing to Alexandria/Carlos State Park to watch Jon and the DLHS team play in a summer tourney. Saturday night we ventured north to Parker's Prairie to watch Jesse Cain play a street dance hosted by the Parker's Prairie FD.
 The area in front of the band was void of people but busy on the edges. We only stayed for an hour but I am sure as the sun set and the adult beverages flowed, the crowd moved inward. Been a long time since we were at a street dance. Live music always fun.
 Sunday on the way home we took back roads, venturing to Inspiration Peak which is an area both Jonell and I had never been to. Neat location, awesome terrain.

There is a main road that goes up to the parking lot than a small paved path up to the top. I rode up and down four times. Probably one of the toughest road climbs I have done in the Midwest. The steepest grade is around 30%.

 Jonell knitting as I passed by.

 I couldn't believe how many people were hiking there. Had to been over 50 folks in the 1.5 hrs we were there.

 After I was done riding, Jonell and I hiked up to take in the view.

There is a nice short section of singletrack on the other side that would be sweet on a mtb.

 Beautiful day.
 Hiking back down the other side.
 Jake came home that evening. Rare moment with all four boys for fathers day.
 Growing up fast! Couldn't be more proud of all four of them.
We've had some great long summer days. Albeit a bit wet with over 14" of rain the last 6 weeks.
Happy Summer!

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