Monday, August 10, 2015

Alex Hockey Fest

Being involved with hockey in some shape or form for almost 40 years now, every year I seem to find myself in a new arena watching the kids. It is pretty neat how every rink is different including the ice. The rink that I've stood in the most though is the Alexandria Runestone Arena. 

Few weekends ago wrapped up Alex Hockey Fest #3 for the summer with Jon and the high school team playing the second tourney there this year.

I was asked to help on the bench. It was fun watching the boys having a good time. It makes you realize that parents take things way to serious as the kids are just having fun.
Face off!
Custom repair job, using tape for string.
In between weekends, we were up in Moorhead one night to watch the production of "Footloose" directed by my sister Debbie who was with the Gooseberry Park players.
Great show!
The weekend before Jens and the Detroit Lakes team he played few times with this summer were playing. Jens and his friend Lucas stayed with me in the Scamp. In between games we kept busy with non stop activity.
Both weekends I brought the Scamp as I have reached my quota of hotel nights stayed in Alexandria.
Bacon, eggs and toast over the fire.
Bumper boats in between games.
Fanta Fest.

Car racing at the local track.

Go cart racing in between games.
Quick rest after lunch.
Prepare to do battle.

Airing out equipment. One of the beauties of summer hockey.

Traveler's Inn. The most popular spot in Alexandria on a Sunday morning. Simple, home cooked meals. We offered our spot but no one wanted to sit at the counter.
Taking a splash in the Long Prairie river on the way home.
We've had some funky weather this summer. Mostly all good other than the day the wind blew 55 mph and the hail but some great sunsets.

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