Monday, June 18, 2018

Fargo Force Camp 2018

Tryout hockey is probably some of the best hockey to watch. There are a lot of games in a short amount of time, there aren't many whistles so the play keeps going and fun to see kids play from all over the country as well as Europe. Jon did a handful of junior tryout camps before going to RPI last year and this year Jens did his first one with the Fargo Force. Since he is still too young to play Juniors, he did the "exposure" camp. He did well enough at that to advance to the main camp. It was 8 games in three days, all high end, high paced hockey. He was gassed by the end but a great experience and exposure.
Catching some Z's on another morning back to Fargo.

 Exposure camp rosters.

 Four of the eight team main camp rosters. Last game Jens played was against the green team and the three commits were all on same line. Fun to watch.

Fargo won the Clark Cup this year, the championship for the USHL. Cool to look at all the names and see the handful playing Pro today.
 Nice job Jens!

1 comment:

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