Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A can of Tab. A guest was here this past weekend that had a Tab pin and I said "You must be a hard core Tab driker" Yep, she said. I said I hardly ever see Tab. I thought it was just a 80's thing. She rambled off all the places you can buy Tab in MN. Kind of like me and sparkling water at C-Stores. You can't find the stuff anymore. Especially H2Ohh water. Hill City has it and every time I go to Dalut I clean them out. Anyways, she gave me a can and I am waiting for the right moment to drink it. The days can get long but having such nice guests visit the resort makes the "job" a lot easier. I especially like the folks from Canada. They seem so laid back and I like how they talk. We had three guys stay the other Sat. night who were on the way back from doing the Pepsi Cup at the Ridge. My favorite Canadian slang: For Sure, right on, blazed a trail and the bush. The bush means woods or forest.

Last night was probably the first night in a long time Jens slept in his own bed. The other three boys would always come sleep with us until they were 3-4 yrs old so I am sure by the summer Jens will sleep through the night. Anyways, sure enough Lucky would start barking in the middle of the night waking us up and Jens must of been playing around with the Alarm clock in the kitchen. First time it went off at 1am and I got up. Second time it went off at 2am and Jonell got up. I unplugged it from the wall so I don't know how it went off again. When I got up to groom at 5:30 this morning, the clock was on the porch!!

Lars coming over this afternoon and we are doing some skate intervals. COLL doesn't look likely so Mora is what I am shooting for and maybe Bemidji. Tonight I am taking all the boys to the DL hockey game. They are 14-3 I think. DL beat Crookston which almost beat Warroad. I would love to see Warroad and Roseau play one year up north. Probably the best rivalry in the state. Each are in a different class so they can both try to make it to state. Speaking of two class system, I don't support it for skiing. I like seeing the Wynn Roberts, the Rolf Eisingers, the Lars Ellefsons, the Chris Zieglers, come from smaller schools and ski against the EPs and SLPS.

With the melt freeze cycles, the snowmobile trails and some other trails are ready for biking. I think I will have a go of it tonight because it might snow tonight. My 9.8 is still in the box from when we went to Mexico. Posted by Picasa

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