David Wells and Jake jibskating near the lakeside singletrack.

Wow, what a weekend. Real cold to start off the bat which did not sit well with some pipes. Orange caboose water line froze, water line to the hot tub fill froze, the drain pipe in the new candy store cabin which we used for the first time this winter froze (but that was partly because the air test bulb was left in). Starter went out on the red car, mice in the Finnish Log cabin and I got a flat tire on my Croll. Such is the resort life. The weekend ended out nicely and the weather was about as good as it gets for skiing and what not.
The most bizarre thing to happen this weekend was when I went down to the old sauna to to check the fire and I saw this head in the hole for the plunge. I did a double take and sure enough a guy was just sitting in there solo. Talk about hard core. He said he likes to sit in the water for about a minute. I hold off on plunging until the end of the ski season.
No race at Bemidji. I was delayed on the grooming so I ended up grooming more on Saturday than planned. With the way things were going on Friday, I was a bit nervous but it all went well. I switched the belt on the snowmobile as I went over a 1000 miles on the year a few weeks ago. Last time i groomed I was running 6200 rpms at 1mph and that was too edgy for me. I figure I have put on 150 hours more groom time then last year so it definitely has cut into the ski time. But no complaints, I am definitely happy to have a lot of snow to groom.

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