Snow photos from the week. Bruce

With the warm weather this week, the water really started flowing. Since we don't plow the driveway everytime it snows, it really was packing and we got some big time ruts but the bobcat took out most of them. Daniel (who is chopping ice off the Brant cabin in the bottom pic) was busting a gut when I was pushing the water through so he wanted to take a pic. I was doing some 360's in the parking lot and he was just rolling. In the top pic you can see the antenae that got blasted off the roof when snow came ripping off.
I groomed the skate trail late afternoon, it set up within hours and was perfect for riding. I took the long way home from the lodge with the bmx and was super fun. Next week the bike comes out and should be some fun riding on the trails when it is hard. I also rode on the frozen track. Will have to get some pics sometime. Good bike handling practice.

Wow, hard to believe just one week left in the season as far as lodging goes. Not sure on vacation plans. Maybe Mexico.. probably Red Lodge over Easter with the kids for some skiing. Conference is in Tetons this year but not sure if would all go. Last year we went to Breck, it was fun but the family time not as much with all the meetings going on. Always last minute on this stuff. Depends on kids schedules and what not.
Have a good weekend!

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