At Cable I was talking to Jeff Hall afterwards about kids and training/recovering and he said "man, those guys that are single, no kids, they have no idea " I said Jeff, wait til your kids start having school programs, birthday parties etc. Jack had his final program yesterday. His teacher is the best. Jon had her for two years when they went to Callaway. It was a big adjustment for

her going from Callaway to DL. At Callaway her room was four times bigger, windows to the south and west. Now her room is in the basement, and the size situation. Regardless,she has done a great job and big hats off for all teachers, really. Man, talk about a perfect night. This is the best of May. 60 degrees, no wind...made for some great kayaking tonight. Jens and I just about tippped. Jake and Jon went out solo. Jack bailed but went swimming instead. One of the new pups fell in. I hope no one takes offense to the bottom pic but if you came by our house, not so much now, but last summer anyways, chances are Jens would be half naked. Talked to Larry Skagan tonight. He is about 2 weeks away from painting. We decided to go 29'er so he had to make some adjustments but he said things are looking great. We should be rolling early June. Jonell is so swamped with wedding planning now that we wouldn't be riding much anyways. I am pumped and Jonell is excited as well. Zigs stopped by today with his new ride. Lawnmower that is. He does a lawn service and mows are driveway. He is planning on racing Saturday. He's a little bit under the weather so hopefully he snaps out of it since he is taking Jake down to Harmon. Speaking of being sick, I am going on one year now without having to take antibiotics for strept or some other gunk. Also stopped talking any advil or pain reliever, cold medicine all that junk stuff a year ago. I read some articles about how that stuff kills good bacteria in your your stomach. Yeah, some mornings you wake up stiff but trying to stretch more and get a deep tissue massage 1-2 times a month the past year. Jonell has polysystic kidneys and isn't supposed to take ibprofen so that tells you something there. Tomorrow is Syttende de Mai. Maybe to Twin Valley for some meatballs, and the best part, rommegrot!!
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