10 seconds in the lead leading to 10th overall. A great day on the bike, all things considered. Cable was fun today. Good to see everyone in the bike scene I haven't seen in 6 months or so. It was cold for sure...my brain got numb at times.... and thankfully I had Hollywood to ride with for most of the race before he took off hell bent for election with two miles to go.... and he caught Bushy at the end. There were some really cool sections of singletrack. Way more singletrack than I was expecting. It wasn't muddy at all on the singletrack which was nice. I am sure for the later riders it was probably a bit more chewed up. For the first race of the year I felt pretty good. Climbing I felt great and was real strong on all the climbs. I just don't have the miles in to screw it down on the ski trail/logging trail stuff but it will come. The start was wicked fast, I thought, but again for the first race of the year that always happens. I was so glad to see that singletrack because I was in the red after that hard start and thought I was going to be off the back for good but the singletrack I was able to recover before finding a groove. Although I am a fan of cooler weather, my body doesn't do so well sometimes racing in it as you always fight the fine line of what to wear and my circulation is bad to my hands and legs. Jake did great in his race.
Here are the results I was a little concerned with the distance and the weather but he plugged away nicely. The ride home went quick which was nice. We met Jonell and the other boys in Park Rapids at her moms and had pizza and what not. I scored some Chris Isaak tickets for Jonell for Moms day so I think she will be happy with those. Got some flowers on the way home for insurance. I told here I will take care of the laundry from today since everything is coated in sand and mud. Tomorrow we will have no people at the lodge which will be the last Sunday with no people until November. We will enjoy the day for sure!!
Thanks Jordan. Nice racing yourself. Jake and I were on the bus. Now that you mention it I think I know who you were. Didn't I say hi?
No worries. Pretty much every mtb'er I know is pretty laid back so don't worry about that at a mtb event. Road scene might be different unless you are in FM area. I don't know.
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