Early this morning I busted out with the birds and did the Richwood loop and one lap of the Loppet course at race pace. Did the same thing as last Sunday and took 3 1/2 minutes off so that was nice. About half on the road and half off road. 1.5hr total. I can feel the power coming, I don't run any meters or anything like that but I can tell. When I came back from the cool down the first person I ran in to was the groom coming out of the caboose. He had a grin ear to ear!! Boy, this wedding this past weekend was so low key. Even the housekeepers said the rooms looked like they hadn't been used. Thats nice. Boy, Jake had a great race in MNSCS #2 today, recording his best overall finish at 4th place in Citizen. He called after the race and said he liked the course. Another tip to Fargo for him as Zigs has to pick up someone in Fargo tonight.

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