Jon wrapped up hockey camp last week. He met a bunch of kids from all over the country (like Hunter from SD). Jon was the mvp forward on his team so I was the proud dad on that. I think I was in Bantams, maybe Pee Wees, when before a game my Dad said, skate so hard until you feel like your guts are going to come out. I'll never forget that and now and then I think abot that when things start to hurt riding or whatever and you can always push it a little bit harder. Anyways, this past winter I threw the same phrase at Jon and he said "Dad, that grosses me out" or something. But he got a kick out of it as the year went on. During camp they had classroom time and when he brought his book home there was a question that said "What is your favorite hockey quote". Sure enough, Jon had the quote written down.
After missing the Rollag ride for 4 weeks or so, geared to go for tonight. Speaking of my dad, he got home from Argentina yesterday and was able to bring home some grill parts. Next week we will get cranking on the bbq and hope to have it down by Sept. 1. Who knows,maybe Sunday night of the Loppet we can do some grilling.
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