Funny how the kids sleep some nights. A rare night to have all of them sleep in a bed other than mom and dads all through the night, so it was worth a picture. Jens has no covers, Jon fully covered and Jack covered from the knees up. Usaully when the kids sleep through the night, the dog, or cat or something else wakes you up. A beautiful Monday. Morning temps in the low 50's, crisp air, great mowing weather. Had to take Jens to Fargo for some dental work and was hoping to pick up the tandem but now looks like Tues or Wed. Jacks b-day is tomorrow and a bunch of kids coming over so probably Wed. Hmm, have to go to Bemidji on Wed to pick up a nephew. Anyways, would of been a nice night for a ride but had to take the night off after the big weekend and we took Michael, staffer from Dominican Republic, out for supper at Hotel Shoreham. Talk about a dream employee. If all employees were like Michael it would be too easy. We had some serious food between the nine of us of us. A large pizza, nachos, a big rare steak, couple glasses of wine for the equalizer and Michael and I split a malt for dessert. I think we drove the waitress crazy.
Jason Blake was there. Last time I saw him was probaly one of the last nights I played old time hockey and he was there a night since the NHL was on strike. He was flying all over the place. Fun to watch. He played a bit in Switzerland that year before having a great year, probably his best, with the Islanders, last year. Jon had his USA hockey cap on so he got it signed. Anyways, Saturday was Ore to Shore. A flat halfway through. I was having a great race, sitting in a group of 6 or 7 and we were the 6th-13th place riders but I was forced to a line I didn't want to take and hit a basketball sized rock and that was it. I did get it fixed and rode easy for a few miles wondering what I should do before I kicked it back in mixing it up with the lead group of singlespeeders and toyed with them for a while. (Amazing those guys grouped together like that) I broke away from them and pulled Ryan Horkey for about 10miles and we caught some groups and pulled away from them. It still was a lot of fun and was pleased with 40th place. Zigs bonked big time and finished 94th. The drive back to the cities was tough. Zigs and Jake fell asleep through most of MI and I was doing some serious head jolts. Ate too much food at once I think. I got a ticket right before Ironwood which stunk. Had to fill up with gas in Ironwood and it was 3.24 a gallon. Yikes. Drove the whole way to MPLS and crashed at the in laws. Welch on Sunday and Jake broke a chain in his race. Some riders said he should race Sport and we talked about it and I talked to Blasko about it but i didn't have warm fuzzys on it so he decided to call it a day. My legs felt quite alright in my race but I had a hard time keeping motivated. When the rain opened up the last lap, the fun really started. Before the race, Zigs, Sam Oftedal and I were hoping for rain and we got it. Some serious mud and totally changed the race. Almost wish it would of came earlier since the bikes were were already gunked up but it was fun racing when it was fast too. Ride home went by very quick. (Helps to drive non stop) To me, the drive from MPLS to Maplelag is so much easier than MPLS to Hayward or Ironwood having done that the past two weekends. Anyways, recovered nicely for the drive home. Stoked for Powder Monkey. Should be a strong field with Hall, Rienhart and Hanson planning on racing and maybe Doug will be there. Ready to rip it up for the last time this year!!
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