Riding the hills of Movil Maze near Bemidji. Later pickup on the nephew so I snuck out to the Maze and did 3 laps or so after stopping at the Home Place to use my GC from the big win at Buena Vista. Talked to David Grundy who was wrenching on a bike that has been lubed with motor oil. Looks like his hands were soaking in tar or something. Riding at the maze reminded me of the days I used to spend the summers during college, when I worked at the language camps around there. Those were the days of Onza porcupines and Specialized ground control extreme tyres. The ground controls were the best tyre ever. I picked up the last two on closeout from Peformance way back when and haven't seen them since. Should try googleing them I guess. First ride since Welch, I feel like I am recovering from We Fest or something and it is the first time on the bike this year. Geez. I put the 9,8 on the wall. Three different creaks and I don't have the time to figure out why. Have spent more time than I like tweaking on bikes this week and seems like I have had little time for anything. End of summer, gearing up for Fall. I didn't think anything of it at the time but at Welch when it got real muddy I slid forward on my bike and hit my crotch area. No big deal, wasn't going that fast but noticed yesterday my left nugget is all black and blue and looks funny. Yikes. (Sorry) Rode lap tonight on Loppet course and not sure if the package is all together. We'll see how things play out the rest of the week. Tonight we had pictures for church. We were scheduled for 8pm but didn't get snapping until 8:20. We sat there for over a half hour. It was ridiculous. I think we drove the guy to retirement. Jay move left, Jonell lift your head and move forward, Jon..hands out of your pockets, Jens hands up. Jake this Jens that Jack this... Jon...hands out of pockets, Jon hands out of pockets, Jon hands out of pockets. Geez, its just the church directory for a country church. Everyone knows what the kids are like. The photographer says at the end: "you guys move around more than a barrel of snakes". Thats kind of a creepy thought.
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