Not the best picture to show all the details but finally picked up the 29'er tandem today. Sure enough it would drizzle all day and the roads getting out of here are all gritty and what not. Tomorrow morning we'll take the first real spin on it since the rain has finally stopped and things are clearing off. (When I left Fargo it was 73 and when I got to Maplelag it was 58) Should be some loads of fun, really looking forward to riding this fall with Jonell. Looks like the rain that was camped out over us the past 12 is heading towards Duluth and building some strength. Geez, forgot about mud tires. Haven't used them since Sandilands last May 2005. I still have a Tioga red phoenix 1.90 that works nicely but the sidewalls are a bit cheezed out. Instead of the Powder Monkey it might be the Mud Monkey. Will be fun whatever happens!
Nice shop,and I like the two tone blue for him pink for her color on the tandem.FYI, your beating sam by only 6 points in the series standings.
Jay, I was writing a blog post about our family trip to A Place in the Woods in Bemidji and found your blog. You're one of the people from my past who I like to check up on every few years and see how you're doing. I felt so bad when I read about the fire but it sounds like you're back from that with a vengeance. It will be interesting to read how your tandem works out. BTW -- when the Tequesta was stolen that was my last time on a mountain bike, and that was 12 years ago. Time flies. You have a beautiful family, and I wish you the best in your life. Your friend, - Kurt
Nice to hear from you Kurt. Bummer on the Tequesta. That thing had the farmer john and fj cousins I think. Wow, they were dogs. I still have some of those $2 bills. Nice you could stop by Skogfjorden. Our son Jon went there two years ago for a week and also Dogfin's (Brent) son was there.
You can remove those stupid comments I put in a few days ago about the 3 things I'd do differently in Bemidji. Don't feel to bad about the Tequesta. I got a replacement cost estimate on the bike for about $2000. I picked up an Atala w/ Campy Record components and full gear/Park Stand/etc. My only problem is that the tires are sew-ups and. . .I am not equipped to do the proper maintenance on them, or am afraid to try. Also sew-ups are extremely expensive. I should have the rims rebuilt to clinchers but my hubs are really cool....decisions decisions.
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