Riding the tandem this week has been a total blast. Way more fun than I expected and Jonell is digging it. Just need to do a few adjustments with saddles, handlbars and Jonells cleats and we should be solid. I never thought Jonell would own a pair of clipless but she is kicking some butt. We are doing 30-45 min rides for now and next week will build little big longer. Riding the Big Sugarbush road which has no traffic and some nice hills. (Those Nano tires like to kick up the sand and what not, I wonder if Eric notices that) Early morning rides before the kids wake up. Keep in mind Jonell has never "ridden" until now but she keeps in good shape running the stairs all day doing all the laundry, bless her heart.
I don't know how to copy and paste on this (theres no tab so click on the I to see what happens.)
The Loppet weekend is shaping up nicely. Just about full for the lodging. If we didn't hit 70% occupancy, it would be tough justifying doing the race and we would probably have to book a wedding so I appreciate everyone who supports the race, esp. the lodging. It is some crazy running around that weekend but it is fun and I enjoy having everyone in my back yard.

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We just got back from A Place in the Woods today, which is closing to become a permanent language village. Russian I think. Maybe in the winter they will have a Gulag? Anyway, I have to admit that I was embarrased when I picked up a map and saw how limited my rides around the area had been in 1992. To my credit, I probably put in as many miles/hours as you did that summer, but Jesus, I never even went around Tutle River Lake once to see everything. I just rode on all these old logging trails and stuff, which were obviously not used very often. That said, I learned how to get over fallen trees on that GT Tequesta w/out getting off the bike. I'll tell you what, when they invent time travel, I'm going back to 1992 and doing 3 things -- 1. Refusing to change my name when Tove's husband showed up and she asked me to. 2. Punching that girl dishwaher in the throat. 3. Having you take me on once decent ride through the woods.
Good luck with your pasting.
#2 on my previous comment was harsh. I wouldn't actually do that. Instead, as the incident that led her to slap me in the face during an argument was started by my having used "too many paper towels" top dry my hands, I would instead do this: I would pull the paper towel lever about 10 times and tear off a bunch to secretly use later. OK. I feel better now. I mean, I was so mad that night I walked to Bemidji. That's like 8 miles!
Hey Jay comming to you from Devils Head with the time trial over with.It is dreary and wet out here.I put up a yard sale on the big grassy downhill and did what brendan did to his 9.9 frame a couple weeks ago.I still think I put in a solid time.I cought my 2min man and 4 min man halfway through.I'll comeback after the short track tonight
Thanks for the report Eric. Bummer on the frame. Good luck rest of the weekend. Send me a full report back door and I'll try to work it in. Talked to your mom yesterday. No racing this weekend. The "Garden Party" at Pinehurst. Report later. Checking out the campers right now.
on the contrary.Sam thought he was going slow and ended up winning the time trial.I thought I was hooking up nicely and ended up 5th.5 seconds from 4th and then 15 sec back to 2nd and third.Jeff won the Pro field over Matter buy over a min.
In the short track Sam got behind Niel Swanson and just hung on and they had a small gap right away.Then Niel dropped his chain about 5min in and Sam Just grew his gap taking victory once again 17 seconds ahead of Jan and another dude.The rest of the field was splintered all over.I didn't have the legs as Sam almost lapped me.
Jeff won the short track also with matter comming 2nd and Tristan 3rd.Sam and Jeff are on there way to sweeping this stagerace,and keeping the title in MN hands
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