Jake, Jon, Jack and Jens sticking some canonballs, flips and what not tonight. Today when we went swimming it was 25 degrees cooler than last time we went swiming. We have the tube at the end of the dock and they jump off of it after someone pre-loads it and they get some nice air. Tonight I rode on the LL course after taking the rest of Sun and Monday off. Riding tonight was just about perfect. 70 degrees, fresh air, the bugs were pretty much non-existant. The new singletrack is riding nicely. Everything is real fast. I was hoping the tandem would of been ready Thurs but its not. Jonell and I are going to Chequammyland for a few days and hitting Chris Izaak Sat night at the Orpheum in MPLS. Should be a nice break. Cousin camp is closing for a few days. The past 10 days we have had nephew Reagan. I think over the summer we have had maybe 4-5 days with no cousins. Don't get me wrong, it has been great and the kids all have fun but looking forward to a break for a few days with just Jonell. Planning on riding at Spirit for a while on Thursday. Jonell and I will ride the Short and Fat course on Fri. Outside of that, just relax and eat. I hit my shin with the pulaski the other day and have to get that recovered. I wasn't sure on O2S but looks like it will happen now. I have been trying to do back to back hard days. First day more gravel road stuff and second more climbing, technical stuff. Not looking good for Floyd. Really bums me out. I hope Tom Danielson keeps it pure because i think he will be Americas next best hope. Oh, still waiting word on the UCI race. I did talk to the USA Cycling folks and sounds like they are hashing things out now. Geoff Kabush better cut his handlebars down if he comes. Might as well cut those sideburns while he is at it. Jenna Zander interview on skinnyski tomorrow.

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