Sunday, October 15, 2006

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Here is the vid clip I took last week. Thanks EO. Jake is coming down the hill we bulldozed and hits the piles of dirt I gotta smooth out. I'll have to pull out some old ones maybe of Jens and Jake hitting the kicker last winter.
Pumpkin Run went very well on Sat. This is a low key event with folks looking to spend a morning in the woods and no whining. I thought since it was a running event I would mark the course "running" So I carried two rolls of tape and ran the course. Got all the intersections taped so I did some other stuff and in the afternoon that running felt pretty good so I ran the course two more times. That was all fine and dandy but come Sat morning.....ouch. I was in the hurt lake. I have learned when I start running again to take it easy the first week and get my muscles tuned in but I overdid it FRI. I still feel it today. Reminds me the two times I did a half marathon. Once in Norway and I couldn't even walk down the stairs and to make matters worse, one of my buddies wanted to take his crotch rocket home to Eidsvold and he was doing 180-200kmph, I prayed hard that trip... and when I got off the bike I fell over. The windchill just toasted me. I haven't been on a crotch rocket since. I did the Dick's beard once and that was it. Track in high school was brutal as well. Just not dialed to run I guess. I did have a great coach though for track and cc. Jeff Mohr. We called him Chico. We would be on course for a cc meet and you could hear him yelling halfway across the golf course "Richards, you're the worst, the bear is going to jump on your back. Slooooooow doooooown" Sometime if we went to these meets where the big shooters were on the line, he would send one of us as a rabbit to try and set the pace higher and our top runner would run his race, draft etc. If anything, we had loads of fun with him. We would go out to the airport and run the airpot mile on the landing/takeoff strip. I don't think you could do that today. I also think you couldn't go jackalope hunting. We would form this big circle, maybe a half mile raidus and we would all sprint towards the middle with golf clubs trying to corner a jackalope. It was all good until some freshman actually killed one and that was the end of that when the parent called Chico. He drove the bus as well and we made good time for sure and would take the back roads when we could. The only coach that would open the pool at 10pm on a school night and let us swim. A good cool down he would say after sitting in the bus. Except we didn't swim too much, we always had diving contests. He coached hockey for a short time but I think the politics of that were too much for him. I would of been great to have him for a coach for that. Jake and I rode the tandem tonight. Was some fun for sure. Has been a while. I have to scratch out a little form if I am going to be doing a UCI cx race in three weeks. Hopefully it is dry this week so I can knock out some more trail work. My duck hunting buddy did well this weekend on our hunting spot. Limited out. The lake was 95% frozen over this morning. Half the decoys were froze in but enough open water to pull in the ones that were flying. MEA this week so half to take the boys out Thurs and Fri morning.


Eric O. said...

I know what you mean with the running legs.I was hurting sat on the 3 hr bike ride with Chris and Brendan from running on fri.
Are you comming down to the awards cerimony this weekend?

Jay Richards said...

Right now it looks like Jonell will be taking Jake and maybe Jack down. Jon's got hockey, my mom and dad just left for England which leaves me waving the flag for the home team. I just rode in this crazy wind, snow, and 35 degrees. 1 hour was it.

Eric O. said...

Jay... spare time...Ha!