Saturday, October 07, 2006

UCI Race
As mentioned in a previous post, we are listed on UCI Mountain Bike Race Calendar. (click on all and go to the third page)
This means our bid is approved and we will be hosting a race on May 12th, 2007. The UCI event will be for all riders who own a UCI International license only on a "clean" course. I listed my intentions to pay the full scale for all diciplines. We will have other races as well for the NORBA beginner, sport, expert and semi-pro classes. I am still working/thinking on the logistics when these other races will run. Might be on Saturday the 12th as well or on Sunday. If I can drum up enough sponsorship, I will have a big cash payout short track for the Pros on Sunday. My goal for that would be to have like a $500 to $1000 first place prize, but again, depends on sponsorship. In the next month or so I should figure everything out and by January or February when I have a better handle on the sponsorship. I will have posters, flyers etc. printed up with all the details. We will still be holding the Laddies Loppet in September on Labor day weekend and I will also lead a group point to point ride in July in the White Earth State forest from Pinehurst Resort. My thinking now is to have a five lap race for the Pros with lap times running around 25 minutes. So if you raced here this past Laddies Loppet, lap times were around 50 minutes for Sport on up. A lot of ski trail will be cut out and the bulk of the lap will be the lakeside singletrack up to Suicide Hill, the Suicide Hill singletrack and cutover to the Toot and finish up the lap. Should be good for spectators and make for some exciting racing. Otherwise, expect the regular Maplelag flav with a little glam on top!! I am excited for this opportunity and we will do everything we can to make it as top notch as possible.

Nice night with some warm breeze under a full moon giving way to cooler breeze and northwest flow. Some chance of snow later in the week. They are saying lows in the 20's with rain/snow chance. For one, it doesn't rain with that kind of low and it won't get that low this time of year unless we have some early season snowstorm (which is possible and has happened before) with a crazy cold front and that would mean dry snow (on top of warm ground). And if we got some snow now, it would melt off pretty quick and I am sure we will see some "hot" days yet this fall but nontheless it is exciting. The Fischer pro form came today and Jake and I got our eyes on the carbon tip RCS skates. Probably will get some new jib skates as well. Jake said they are making some for rails, which makes sense. I haven't thought too much about skiing but time to do some orders and get geared. Oh, if there are any diver birds ready to head south, they will be in front of this system and can make for some incredible duck hunting. My dad and I talked about going Wed morning so hopefully we can get out after basically running 6-12s the past 10 days.. Our buddies went out to the point on Island last weekend and did pretty good getting 8 including some geese. There were some other parties on the lake and I guess one group got 40. So, there was some action and there are some birds around.


Brendan said...

Is it against the rules to allow Semi-Pros to race the STXC? USA Cycling rules prohibit me from advancing to Pro after this year because I can't travel to national races (I told Kelli that it isn't fair because the closest national race is a 16 hour drive away!). Anyway, it sounds like a fun event.

Jay Richards said...

If we did a stxc it would not be part of the UCI. Only the xc on Sat will be UCI. If we do a stxc, I would probably run a semi-pro and pro race together and the experts would be stand alone. I'll talk to Kelli about your Pro upgrade.

Brendan said...

Sweet, about the STXC.
Thanks in advance for anything you can do about the pro upgrade. I totally understand that there are rules that Kelli must follow, but they sure seem baised towards other areas of the country=(