Thursday, October 05, 2006

Black cat and pink cadillac. I picked up the boys and the end of the driveway and when we got halfway down the driveway a black cat crossed our path. Hmmm, not sure what a back cat is doing out in the middle of the woods. The big Mary Kay convention is the next two days with a wedding sneaked in on the weekend as well. Will be close to two dozen pink cadis hanging around. What a crazy week. Wed. night go to pull the pork roast out of the over to let it set up but someone forgot to turn the oven on. A quick decision on order So I sliced them up and grilled them on the grill and they turned out pretty darn nice. After not riding for over a week, Last night I had to go out so I went under the full moon. The deer were out like crazy and I also had a black bear cut my path. I hit the singletrack but used the headlamp since there are so many leaves down and hard to see where the track goes. Some pretty nutso riding but was fun. The lakeside drops were pretty wild. Posted by Picasa

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