When I told Jonell I caught the cat sitting on the table when everyone was out of the house, she didn't believe me. Good thing my camera was handy. Don't tell me it looks cute, it has just entered itself into a relocation program.

Another wedding this weekend. Mr and Mrs. Wenzel bagging cx on Sat to come help out once again thank you very much. Wedding schedule includes bingo with prizes at 1pm, 2 hours before the ceremony after a scavenger hunt in the am. Should be fun. The father of the bride was the architect for the new lodge. Cranked out burgers for 175 tonight. If I had a burger shop, I would buy fresh ground beef from the local meat market, and paddy them up seasoned with my secret mix. Home made fries with the secret shake of course. The only restaurants that I know that fresh cook burgers are in Mexico. I guess Fuddruckers does that, and they do a nice job with their burgers but it is a chain and there is something about a hole in the wall type setup which is few and far between. Well, the trip out east is in place for next week. Visit Zigs on Tues and Weds, swing by Trapp Family Wed. afternoon, ski convention at Great Glen trails Thursday, stay at Sunday River Inn Wed night, stay with Chris and CCSAA on Thurs. night and back down to Hartford area for Fri and Sat and registered for UCI cx race in the Elite class. I am probably going to get waxed but hey, no one can stop me from having fun and going as hard as I can for as long as I can. Riding has been 3-4 hours max per week so when I cranked out Richwood loop in record time Wed .night, I was left scratching my head. Some runups 6-7 times up Suicide hill for good measure. Oh, if you live in MN, please vote for my brother in law. Thanks!

Hey Jay, good luck at the UCI race. I hear St. Cloud has a good whole in the wall burger shop, it's called Val's. Just off of Hwy 10, the ST. Germain Exit (first stop light in St. Cloud), go right to the 4 way, on your left. Real burger, I hear, and real fries, done up right there! Later, K
Thanks for the burger lead. Sounds like the ticket. Will have to check it out for sure.
Talked to Zigs and meeting him tomorrow GTing to try and ski at Bolton Valley tomorrow. Try to post tomorrow night.
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