Few photos from Great Glen trails and view of Mt. Washington. Lucked out on the views. The weather monitor is pretty neat. Cold up there. The one run up with barriers gives you the view of the peak. They were making snow as a demo at 33 degrees. 40k for that unit. Drove down to CT today after visiting Northfield mountain power facility (hydro) the trail system sits on the side of this mountain and underneath is the power turbines and all that stuff. The Rec director there gave me a special tour undeground.It was pretty wild. I checked out venue at winding trails for tomorrow. Looks like a fun course. I think I am racing masters now since it will give me 4.5hrs more on the day and more time to get to the airport. Plus, I just am not at the fitness level to race elite.If it was mountain biking, I would do it no problem. Most of the fast guys from the east will be in CO at Boulder and Longmount but they said Mark McCormack might swing over. Plus, the local crew is always tough. Just like the midwest.

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