Reading the trail report on skinnyski last night from Izaak Walton got me to look in the archives. This was taking in the Flathead doing dome tele in the BC with Mark, the guide who is out there now. After we moved back to Maplelag, we went there every spring to visit but haven't been there in a few years now.

This is Mark. April 2001, on a saddle on a mountain I can't remember. We didn't go all the way to the top because some weather had moved in. We stayed in the trees and skied. He was there the last year Jonell and I worked out there and the year it snowed 425". We did as many trip together as we could. It was really good about digging a pit and checking snow stability on every bc/tele tour. Mark doesn't have a car. He rides his bike from Essex to Whitefish (60 miles) to get supplies etc. He will go three months before restocking.

Another photo I found from the State Champs. I had a bunch of those jerseys left over but I sent them back to USA Cycling. Would of been nice to have won for the wall hanger.

That mtb picture is hilarious.
There are a lot more where that came from!!
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