On Saturday Gregg Palmer was on the lake snow sailing with his snowboard. I went down to talk to him and take a picture and Daniel (Brazilian student working at Maplelag) was stoking the sauna and came out to see what it was all about. Gregg asked if I wanted to try it but I was just coming full circle on the chest/rib recovery so I asked Daniel if he wanted to. Gregg hooked up the harness and what not and tried to explain what to do with the sail. Daniel's English isn't the best but he tries 100% for sure. He was walking around with it and all of a sudden a nice gust of wind came and Daniel and Gregg were sliding

After a super busy weekend, looking forward to a pretty quiet week. In a 24 hour period on Saturday, I spent more time grooming then sleeping in my bed Fri, Sat and Sun nights! All the kindergartners from Dl are coming on Wed and Fri including one of Jack's classes so that will be some good fun. Hope to get some longer skis in this week and maybe a few rides on the snowmobile trails. The crust is perfect right now in the mornings.

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