Jonell feeding baby Claire. One of our two nieces. We have her until Tuesday. The kids like having her around. Jam packed weekend. We had a group Friday and most of Saturday. After the group left, I did the Richwood loop in record time with the Fuel. Yeah, I was locked out and it helped Buddy Tyken has been working the Goat Ranch road nicely and paying dividends now...after that rain which made riding almost impossible...it dried and it is like pavement. Sweet. Add in a few Suicide Hill repeats on up to the top....10 seconds faster that last time around....and for May 7th, feel pretty good where I am at after only three weeks of riding really. Sat night Jonell and I hooked up with friends Parker and Tamara at Hotel Shoreham. (The hotel you can't get a room) Only open in the summer basically. Best pan fried walleye in the state, although I feel I give them a run for their money. HA! Anyways, good to catch up with them. Has been almost a year. Parker and I used to ride together including some good rides at Detroit Mountain but than he started doing really well with his motocross racing so he switched totally to that. He had a race today in Monticello. His first Pro race. He has been doing some nationals in AA and doing pretty good. One of his riding buddies stopped over to tell us about some riding he did north of here and to the east around Ice Cracking on Saturday. He said he did like 87 miles on a 250. There you go EO. Said he found 7 miles of singletrack. I guess he was ripping it up since he was riding with four wheelers and they couldn't keep pace with him so he found this trail and went with it. I think I knew what trail he was talking about that the singletrack branched off of. I will have to check it out. Sounds like it is close to the point to point race I have planned out.

Anyways, early this morning I went to pick up the boys at Jonells's parents cabin since they had Jack and Jon for the night. I got back and I felt like I had a iv drip of adrenaline so I had to go crank it for 45 minutes, that was all the time I had. Man, the legs just felt incredible. Yesterday's ride was just long enough without going too deep so I am sure my body got a taste for what is to come and wanted to go. Anyways, got ready for church and witnessed one of the best Sunday school programs I have seen in a long time. Kids did a real nice job. In the afternoon Steve Wenzel and his boys came out to help work on the singletrack. Steve went off like a madman raking most of the longest section of singletrack and I had the 6 boys and we started cutting some new singeltrack. It is going to be pretty sweet. Some
natural whoops and long sweeping downhills is the plan. Where Jack is standing is a void that we filled with cut logs and than it does a nice drop. So will put some fun stuff in here and there (or death defying) Jens and Jack like running back and forth on the new trails which is all good as it helps pack it down. I bagged any more riding on the day as cutting trail for 3-4 hours is a good enough workout on its own. Man, after the 30 and 40 degree temps on Wed-Fri., this weekend felt amost hot at 65 but perfect for being in the woods. Have a good week!
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